The Literary Review

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An international journal of contemporary writing. Published quarterly since 1957 by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Poetry rejections


Thank you for sending us your poetry submission. We appreciated the chance to read your work, but unfortunately, these pieces are not for us.

Best of luck with them and thank you again for thinking of us.

Sincerely, The Editors The Literary Review

Higher Tier

Text of Higher Tier Rejection

Prose rejections


Dear —,

Thank you for sending us "—." We appreciate the chance to read your work, but unfortunately this piece isn't right for TLR.

We wish you great luck in placing this piece elsewhere, and thank you again for thinking of us.

Sincerely, The Editors at TLR

Higher Tier


Dear ____,

Thank you for sending us "____". We enjoyed reading your work, but didn't feel it was right for The Literary Review.

We hope that you will continue to send us your work. We'd be delighted to read more.


The Editors The Literary Review


Thank you for sending us "_____." I liked reading it, and our editors found much to enjoy in your writing. In the end, though, this piece doesn't quite have a place at TLR.

We appreciate your thinking of us, and I wish you great luck in placing this piece elsewhere.

All my best, K_____ A_____ Associate Editor