Raleigh Review

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Poetry rejections


Thank you very much for submitting to the Raleigh Review. We read your work and, unfortunately, decided to pass on these poems.

We're writers ourselves so we get the insincerity that comes with form rejections. What we're about to say is meant to be sincere: we want you to know that every poem submitted to us gets read by at least four staff members and we're always two of them.

We appreciate you thinking of the Raleigh Review and letting us consider your poems. Don't give up on us. Please try us again. Most of those we've published have submitted numerous times.

- Rob, Sierra and Poetry Staff

Unspecified genre rejections



Dear [Name],

Thanks so much for sending us your work. We appreciate the chance to read it, but we've decided it's not quite a fit for us.

Thanks again, and best of luck placing these with another magazine.


Raleigh Review

Standard (Flash Fiction)

Thank you very much for submitting to The Raleigh Review. We read your work and, unfortunately, decided to pass on "Title". That said, we appreciate you thinking of The Raleigh Review and letting us consider your work.

