Temz Review

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Revision as of 18:36, 18 August 2023 by D. A. Hosek (talk | contribs) (→‎Standard)
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Dear —,

Thank you for sharing your writing with us! We received a very large volume of submissions and can only accept a small number; unfortunately, we have not selected your submission "—" for Issue 24. We wish you well as you continue writing.


Aaron Schneider

Dear —,

Thank you for sharing your writing with us! We received a very large volume of submissions and can only accept a small number; unfortunately, we have not selected your work. We wish you well as you continue writing.


Aaron Schneider

Dear [Name],

Thank you for sharing your writing with us! We received a very large volume of submissions and can only accept a small number; unfortunately, we are going to have to pass on your work this time. We wish you well as you continue writing, and we encourage you to consider submitting to us again in the future.


Aaron Schneider and Amy Mitchell

Founding Editors

Slightly Higher Tier

Dear ___,

Thank you for sharing your writing with us! We received a very large volume of submissions and can only accept a small number; unfortunately, we have not selected your work. That said, we did find much to admire in it, and we hope you keep us in mind in the future.


Aaron Schneider