Indiana Review

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"Indiana Review is a non-profit literary magazine dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established writers. Our mission is to offer the highest quality writing within a wide aesthetic.

As a biannual literary review, IR considers previously unpublished essays, fiction, graphic arts, interviews, poetry, and reviews. IR is edited and managed by Indiana University graduate students and funded mainly by subscriptions, grants, and partial university support."

Prose rejections



We have carefully considered your submission, "Title of Story," and regret that we do not have a place for it in Indiana Review at this time. We do appreciate your support and hope you try us again in the future.

The Editors



Thank you for sending us _________. We really enjoyed your work, but we didn't feel it was right for Indiana Review at this time.

We hope that you will continue to send us your work.


The Editors

Poetry rejections



We have carefully considered your submission, "Titles," and regret that we do not have a place for it in Indiana Review at this time. We do appreciate your support and hope you try us again in the future.

The Editors