Harvard Review

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Prose rejections


Thank you for submitting your work to Harvard Review. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept it for publication, but we hope you will bear in mind that we receive thousands of submissions and are only able to publish a fraction of what comes in. We wish you the very best with your writing and thank you for your interest in Harvard Review.


The Editors

Higher Tier

Dear [Author's name],

Thank you for submitting your work to Harvard Review. We apologize for the delay in responding.

While we are unable to accept your piece for publication, we would be happy to read more of your work in the future.

Thank you for your interest in Harvard Review.

Dear Contributor,

Although we do not have a place for this submission at the moment, we wanted you to know that we admire your work and we encourage you to submit again in the future. Thank you for thinking of Harvard Review.

Best wishes,

The Editors